The Factory Detune
The Factory Detune
In many cases, the performance of a vehicle with factory settings is so far away from the engines true potential that it could be said that they are electronically detuned by the manufacturers. This may seem hard to believe, but there are many reasons for this, which we will touch on below.
When a vehicle is manufactured for global sale it must be able to cope with many different environments. The vehicle must be able to deal with the poor quality fuels sold in less developed countries, perform at high and low altitudes, cope with poor or non-existence servicing and perform with severe differences in temperature. For example, a vehicle manufactured in Japan must be able to cope with the high air temperatures of India, but also perform in the freezing winter conditions of Russia. Therefore, when a manufacturer is producing a map for a vehicle to be sold globally, it is forced to make a compromise between performance and the vehicles ability to run well in a range of different environments. There are also stringent regulations on the exhaust emissions of new vehicles and political pressures to produce ‘green’ vehicles. Given these factors, it is understandable that manufacturers detune their vehicles from the factory.
Luckily, in the UK we do not have many of the environmental conditions and other issues described above. We have extremely good quality fuels and a very good servicing regime, so we can tune vehicles without having to compromise on reliability. We are also able to finely tune vehicles so that they perform to their maximum potential in the UK environment.